Sunday, September 1, 2013


Just try to sit there and imagine the bodily mechanics involved, when Elliott Smith stabs himself through the heart.

It seems to require an effort beyond what the mind can conceive properly in preparation.

It's a sort of miracle of determination.

Elliott like some angel of self-deliverance.


  1. I continuously think about what slitting the vein in my neck would be like inside my Mom's coffin, I don't think i'm gonna do it tho unless i go nuts. I would probably miss you if you killed yourself, who am i going to go to for information on stuff that isn't physics in like 40 years if you're dead except Steve? I need at least two sources so don't kill yourself.

  2. i think about cutting the neck veins too. But alas, I was taught to fear death, so i linger on, stuck between two variants of Fear.
