Why can't we stay closed up inside ourselves? Why do we chase
after expression and form, trying to deliver ourselves of our pre-
cious contents or "meanings," desperately attempting to orga-
nize what is after all a rebellious and chaotic process? Wouldn't it
be more creative simply to surrender to our inner fluidity without
any intention of objectifying it, intimately and voluptuously
soaking in our own inner turmoil and struggle? Then we would
feel with much richer intensity the whole inner growth of spir-
itual experience. All kinds of insights would blend and flourish in
a fertile effervescence.
There are experiences and obsessions one cannot live with. Salvation lies in confessing them.
Creativity is a temporary salvation from the claws of death.
I cannot contribute anything to this world because I only have one method: agony.
The structure of depressive states holds the key to their
fundamental understanding. These states, in which separation
from the world steadily and painfully increases, bring man closer
to his inner reality and cause him to discover death in his own
subjectivity. A growing interiority progresses toward the essential
center of subjectivity, overcoming all the social forms which usu-
ally mask it. Once beyond this center, progressive interiority dis-
covers the region where life mingles with death, where man has
not yet detached himself from the primary sources of existence,
where the demonic rhythm of life works with complete irra-
tionality. In cases of depression, the awareness of death's imma-
nence in life creates an atmosphere of constant dissatisfaction
and restlessness that can never be appeased.
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