Monday, September 16, 2013


No, but look, here's the thing--

Someone is still at a point prior to total cynicism. Someone is at a point where the world is interesting, exciting, it offers intrigue and cries out to be explored.
That's where someone is.
That's not where you are.

I don't know what could be offered to The Someone, from one such as I, having departed that more engaging reality long ago.
In fact, to encounter it in the someone else, it serves as a mirror to reflect back to me the whole arc of degradation, the full scale of the burnout.
I can see the whole process, played back again and again, and meanwhile being here, in the v---.

What can I offer to such a person except a contagious corruption, corrosion. Inevitable probably, but why should I step in and accelerate the process?

This makes sense, right? Russ thinks so.

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