Sunday, September 15, 2013

Scientific Reasoning.

One [Situation] can be the vector opening up to the *ALL-PAIN*.
This one [Situation] can trigger the reflective flow of *ALL-ANGST*.
It no longer lives as what it originally was,
a relationship let's say,
but instead persists and mutates as the now-independent MASOCHISM MACHINE.
Now it evolves on its own,
the aquatic ape marching upward through the psyche,
bridging old with new,

The theory, let's say,
is that a [Situation] can serve as the trigger
for a whole blood-splattered Evaluation-Incessant,
a constant self-fueling internal trial,
which leaves the original [Situation] completely behind.
You may *think* all your wrenching agonies are due to the [Situation],
but really it's its own thing now,
propelling itself,
cut off,

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