Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hilarity Noted Not, Not--

a reviewer of gaddis' collected non-fiction states--

and although I still find them [The Recognitions/JR] hilarious satires, I'm starting to doubt the penetration of the thought behind the comedy.

having come upon this before, as with commentaries on Pynchon, etc., i find i am often adrift from this viewpoint, wherein one sees the essence in Satire, in Humor. yes, i understand that those elements are present, but my perception barely registers the comedic, when i'm in communion with these certain authors.

it's more like, in my reading, i'm bypassing those 'lighter' attributes in a, ah yes, Desperate hunt for the, uhm, Philosophical, the, yes'm well, the Wisdom, so to--say...

and i could care less about satire, humor, i let it lie there unengaged, quickly passed over because what i want and what i need is The Lesson, The Maxim, the Tell-Me-How-to-Live and the Tell-Me-How-to-See...

as with The Recognitions, see, that's a deadly serious text for me, it's all very grave and somewhat-morbidly resonant, so to speak of hilarity, well, There's Not Time Enough For That, etc.---

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