Thursday, May 1, 2014

2 Items per Gaddis

Two things re: The Recognitions--

--firstly, that you are led into the mystic glories, schizodabbled heresies, all such fun and up-our-alley, but watch it, see?--degenerating into nonsense, free-floating disassociation, cacophony of reference and counter-reference, ultimately leading--our alley, up it, to, where?--to Bellevue, o!

(lesson, so?--some lesson, there? o?)

--and secondly, note the suitors to Esme, even in such boat-borne short-term as with Stanley, good loyal papal Stanley, gripping tight the arm erratic, to silence the mouth, limit the (heart), --so too with the others, all equally mad-driven by the pathological currents of, yes, J-word, Jealousy, o--

(touchstone back-tripped to Swann's Way, same bitter lesson, same 'h/t' to withdrawal, ultimately, ok, yes --to be safe...)

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