Sunday, October 27, 2013

Subset of Menagerie P-3.

K. had descended into a state of desolation, the mind-forged figures and diagrams now disrupted, rendered blank and absent within his mental workspace.
Nothing had been committed to paper, so everything was lost, but K. wasn’t bothered over that specific aspect of the problem.
The broader concern was the Why of the entirety.
Why even do this, to what end.
To what actual end, the real motivation.
K. had begun to crumble into a vicious circle of self-interrogation as news of the Forthcoming Agony spread. K. deliberated over what he could show to the Agony, were they to engage each other, K. pondered how best to impress her with his theories and research.
But this slowly put the entire operation under internal investigation, because the question became, was this in fact the purpose—marketability to an Agony—rather than the previously-subscribed-to SEARCH FOR TRUTH?
So it all unraveled  from that point, all assumptions were annulled.
K. had a scarcity of reasons, a lack of understanding into the foundations of his drives.
As his mind turned over and over on this subtopic, or perhaps Ur-topic, all of the work previously built up began to somehow disintegrate, quietly, unnoticed.
Because, again, nothing had been written down. Pure nonphysical  memory held it all, sustained by a curious passion, which supposedly intellectual passion now began to look more like base lust covered over in a shoddy disguise.
So it went, it faded, it wiped itself away.

Time and distance remained as they ever were, unscathed, unbroken.

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